Expand your passion with the magic of amateur radio!
As a RHR youth member you will have UNLIMITED access to a growing dedicated Youth Network of stations.
We are hard at work adding stations so you can spend more time exploring and learning about this wonderful hobby.
All Youth Members:
- Must be 21 or younger (Parents/ Guardians Permission)
- Hold a valid amateur radio license
- Have a passion to get on the air and work the world!
- Welcome to join our discord channel to learn from fellow youth member
W4/Chesapeak, VA
Donated by Connor W4IPC
The station features a 10-80m 1/4 wave vertical with a Flex Radio. Which makes it a perfect candidate in our youth network roster.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Connor W4IPC donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Palstar HF-Auto tuner
10-80m 1/4 Wave Vertical
W1/Lake-Moxie, Maine
Donated by RHR
Located in central Maine on beautiful Lake Moxie.
We provide the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console with the station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
Enjoying the station? Send them a thanks!
The Equipment:
Dipole @ 80′
W1/Sebec, Maine
Donated by Chip KB1QU
Located in central Maine on beautiful Sebec Lake.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Chip KB1QU donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Flex 6500
GXP Yagi’s 6-40M
Inverted L’s for 80m-160m
W3/Zelienople, PA
Donated by Michael W3MLJ
Located in the small town of Zelienople on a hilltop.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Michael W3MLJ donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Flex 6400
Currently, G5RV
Donated by Old Dominion University
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Old Dominion University donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Flex 6600
W4/Winstom-Salem, NC
Donated by Mason KM4SII
Located in the piedmont of North Carolina, this station features clear take-off in all directions.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Mason KM4SII donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Auto tuner
80m: Sloping Dipole @ 70′
40’60/40/30/15/6m: Dipole @ 70′
20/17/12/10m: Delta Loop @ 60′
W6/Big-Bear, CA
Donated by Russ K5OA
Big Bear Lake (6750’/2057m) is a small city in Southern California. It sits on the banks of fish-filled Big Bear Lake. It’s known for Bear Mountain ski resort, with its terrain parks and learner slopes, and family-friendly Snow Summit ski resort. Boutiques, gift shops and restaurants line the streets of Big Bear Lake Village, the commercial area. Surrounding the city, the rugged San Bernardino National Forest has mountain trails.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Russ K5OA donated his station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Flex 6600
HEX 6m-20m
Sloping Dipoles 30m-40m
G5RV on 80m
43′ Vertical on 160m
Donated by Richard 9A1TT
Welcome to Europe’s first dedicated youth station! Located in the northwest corner of Croatia along the Adriatic Sea on the island of Krk. Perched in the beautiful northwest corner of Croatia in the village of Kras on the Island of Krk, this station is located on a commercial tower site with drop-offs in all directions. The Adriatic Sea is just 3km to the east and 5km to the north and west.
RHR donated the FlexRadio FLEX-6400, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Richard 9A1TT donated his time, Internet service, and equipment, and he scouted and installed the station
OIV donated installation time/support
The Equipment:
The antenna is a 160m OCF with 4 legs to allow coverage of the 30 and 15m bands.
The site sits at 311m ASL and the antenna apex is at 30m above ground.
Flex 6400
160m OCF dipole
Donated by Ozalj Radio Club, Flex Radio and 4O3A.
Welcome to Europe’s second youth station! Located near the town of Ozalj in Croatia, it’s just a few kilometers from the border with Slovenia in the north of the country.
FlexRadio donated the FLEX-6400
RHR provided miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Ozalj Radio Club provide the site, antennas, container, rack, electricity and ISP
Richard 9A1TT donated his time, equipment, and he scouted and installed the station
The Equipment:
Flex 6400
10m : 5el @ 16m
15/20m: 3el @ 18m
40m: vertical with 5 elevated radials
80m: crossed dipoles @ 16m
160m: dipole @ 16m
Donated by Woodford Repeater Association
This station is made possible by the folks from RemoteHamRadio, Woodford Repeater Association, Woodford County EMA. This station is here to promote the youth to use HF radio and to promote Woodford Repeater Association Members an avenue to be able to get on the air.
RHR donated the RHR server hardware, miscellaneous equipment, and the youth console
Woodford Repeater Association donated the station, time, Internet service, equipment, and support of station
The Equipment:
Flex 6400
Alpha Delta Multi Band Dipole
6-160 Meters
Donate Your
The more stations we have on the network the more youth members we can accept. When you donate your station to the RHR Youth Network, we will start the process to integrate the world renowned RHR technology into your personal station.