WW2DX will be heading off to “The Graveyard of the Saint Lawrence” on the 24th through September 5th. The CY9C Team is hoping to have the first HF radios on the air possibly Sat night into Sunday Morning. Lee WW2DX will be operating 6M/2M/432 and SATS from the island. If you want to follow along in real-time you can join the VHF-Chat #Slack channel.
If you want to work CY9C on 6M and 2M, there should be a direct terrestrial path from the W1/Eastport 2/6/160 station. With the new RHR/AMSAT station you can pick CY9C off as a new one for DXCC on SATS. WW2DX will be checking the RHR Chat window periodically if ops need certain slots filled.
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